What is green hydrogen … and a few other things you might like to know Green hydrogen is an energy carrier. But, unlike fossil fuels, it’s becoming cheaper, it will never run out, and we won’t cook the planet.’ That was what Andrew ‘Twiggy’ Forrest said in an address to the National Press Club a… Read More
What can we learn from the UK energy crisis?
You might have heard Barnaby Joyce reference an energy crisis in the United Kingdom last week when warning Australians of the dangers of committing to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. With everything else going on in our world in these COVID times, unless you have relatives in the UK, you could be excused for not… Read More
Why monthly billing works better for most energy users
We know every household is different and different people have different ways they like to do things, including their household budgeting. However, we also know the one thing that upsets people more than almost anything else is bill shock. Not getting a bill for months means energy users are kept in the dark, blissfully unaware… Read More
Something your kids can learn about at home: saving energy
Something your kids can learn about at home: saving energy We know a lot of parents would be happy if they never again heard the term ‘remote learning’! If you are helping your kids learn at home, make sure you don’t put too much pressure on yourself or them. After all, the collective spirit of… Read More
What’s next in solar?
Most Australians believe that the future is solar powered. Our world-leading penetration of rooftop solar is just one pointer to a general enthusiasm across our nation for harnessing the abundant energy of sunlight. Last year’s Climate of the Nation report found “over half (54%) of Australians rank solar as their number one energy source and… Read More
A little can go a long way
It’s not news to anyone that the whole world is going through a tough time right now. We hope that you and your family are doing okay, and we’d like to remind you to check in with your friends and neighbours when you can. Sometimes the smallest gesture or simple reminder that someone cares can… Read More