Victorian Business Owners
Victorian Business Owners
Your business could benefit by switching to GloBird.
Does your business operate 9 – 5? If so, you will likely benefit by getting a comparison quote from GloBird Energy.
Right now, the majority of our customers are residential. This means that most of their power use occurs outside normal business hours. As a result, our usage curve is lower during the day and higher from 6pm onwards.
If your usage profile is different to above, we can likely save you money.
Save on your business energy bill – or we’ll pay you $50!
We’re so confident that we will save your business money on your power bill, that we’ll pay you if we’re wrong. Here’s how it works, simply send us your most recent business energy bill, and we will work out how much the same bill would be using our amazing low rates based on the same number of days and same energy usage. If we can’t beat a competitors genuine bill, we pay you $50. Some fair conditions apply so check out the full terms and conditions below, or call our Melbourne team on 133 456 and start paying less for energy.
Terms & Conditions
We will beat your current electricity providers bill or we will pay you $50. Obviously we have some fair and reasonable conditions.
Offer expires on or before 15 July 2020. This offer may be withdrawn earlier without notice.
This offer cannot be combined with any other bonus, special offers, promotions, or referral programs.
Not available for businesses with solar panels installed. Does not include solar feed in credits.
This offer is to compare the total cost of your most recent electricity bill.
The offer is not available to existing GloBird customers, or customers who had a GloBird energy account in the last 12 months.
For business customers only where electricity usage is less than 8 megawatt hours (Mwh) of electricity per month .
Comparison based on Victorian business bills on a standard business tariff and meter.
Comparison must be based on a recent bill from the previous month or the current quarter if you are on quarterly billing.
GloBird reserve the right to request the actual bill being quoted for verification purposes prior to making any payments under this offer.
Bill comparison will be based on the total cost of the recent electricity bill after standard discounts have been applied. For example pay on time discounts, direct debit discounts, guaranteed discounts are considered standard.
Price guarantee will not take into account one-off specials, cash bonus, government concessions, solar credits, prior account credits, adjustments, or individual rates that are not generally available to the public. This includes conditional rates only available to limited members of certain associated clubs, card holders, memberships, other organisations like employer organisations, unions, armed forces, insurance company, limited group buy deals, or energy companies staff only offers etc.
Comparison is like-for-like based on the actual tariff of the meter. The tariff on your bill must match the current tariff type. For example if your previous bill was a flat rate, your current tariff must be a flat rate, not a peak / off-peak tariff.
The electricity provider we are comparing against must be a licensed electricity and gas retailer. One comparison per site, NMI, or meter.
The comparison is based on the actual bill total using the same number of days and units of usage excluding solar. For clarity this means we compare the total cost, not individual rates.
This offer excludes any special offer received from your current retailer after the comparison is done.
Rates must be current, genuine, verifiable, published standard rates that are available to the general public and displayed on a competitors website.
$50 payment is a one-off payment only paid once per customer or site address in a 24-month period. No repeat comparisons. Payments will be made to your nominated bank after you provide relevant bank details.
Call 133 456 to compare your bill.