Now that GloBird Energy has been around for a few years and is an established business, we’re in the position to identify and put in place more projects and processes that fit with our preferred approach to energy retailing. The reality of any business is that it takes time to build a solid foundation. No… Read More
What the International Energy Agency thinks of Australia’s energy transition
Most Australians support the transition to a sustainable renewable energy future. Understandably, we want it to be as smooth as possible, with the lowest possible impact on the cost of energy, our lifestyles, and the economy. Ideally, the transition would happen at a somewhat accelerated pace, while creating more jobs and a stronger economy, and… Read More
Keep it simple or get creative: 21 energy-saving ideas that could work for you
It’s a fact of life that most households use more energy in winter. The figures have been clear and consistent over the world for years: heating your home in winter accounts for up to 40 per cent of your annual energy use. So, even when the cost of living isn’t biting as hard as it… Read More
The current state of Australia’s energy generation mix
“It’s important to say Liddell has given the nation good service.” As the 52-year-old Liddell Power Station in the Upper Hunter of New South Wales went offline at the end of April, Federal Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen acknowledged its valuable contribution to Australia’s energy generation mix, but also that its time was… Read More
Why time-of-use solar-feed-in tariffs have become necessary
Incentives are a wonderful thing. If you want to motivate communities for the best social outcome a very effective way to do so is to give people some ‘encouragement’. About 20 years ago, various governments decided that encouraging Australian households to install rooftop solar would be a good thing. This essentially started the transition away… Read More
Will we run out of gas this winter?
A year ago, we posted this: How the supply-demand equation is likely to influence your gas bill. It looked at the global gas supply landscape in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and whether Australia’s commitments to supply gas to international markets would impact on our domestic supply – and prices. A few months… Read More