Flexible Tariff 2022
Flexible Tariff 2022
Who decided what network tariff I am on?
The tariffs that are available to you are set by the network distributor who own your meter (and not by retailers such as GloBird).
Why did the distributor change my tariff type?
Your local distributor is responsible for maintaining safe and reliable electrical infrastructure in your area and to ensure it can handle peak load. In order to do this, from time to time, they change tariff structures to incentivise energy usage to occur at off peak times when the grid isn’t under stress, and to discourage usage at times when the grid is under strain.
What is the change?
In essence, the networks have removed the shoulder rate and extended the off-peak rate. During the week, all shoulder times have been replaced with off peak, which may benefit some energy users. However, peak period now extends into the weekend. This means that your off peak period is now 18 hours every day, including the weekends. The table below helps explain the change.
Will I be worse off?
It is unlikely customers will be worse off because the above table shows the number of peak hours is the same, and all the hours that used to be treated as “shoulder” will now be treated as off-peak. The main downside is that the peak period now extends into the weekend. Most customers being moved from the expired flexible tariff to the new two rate tariff will not experience a significant difference.